New Blog Launch – A Huge Thank You to Everyone!

gutsygirlnewI’ve never been so focused and inspired to move towards a single life path as I am right now. Right now being the past 5 months that I’ve created Gutsy Girl Wellness. And everyone who knows me well understands that this is a crazy, impossible feat- after all, I was the girl who changed life dreams every few months for several years straight. I went through 5 majors in college!

But now I have a strange sense of calm. Even though most people around me don’t understand exactly what I’m trying to do with my life, I still know that I have to keep doing it. This path that I’m walking along feels right to my heart and intuition, so I can’t stop now.

But the day has finally come for this specific blog to end. It’s not a sad ending like it sounds, but a fresh, bright beginning. As of today, I’ve officially launched my new website with a slightly new name & focus- Gutsy Girl Living. I’ve found enough courage and inspiration to slowly take this to the next level, from hobby to business.

I want to thank all of you who’ve started reading Gutsy Girl Wellness since it was formed this summer. You’ve given me the support and confidence to keep writing and creating, week after week. It’s often hard to keep going in the beginning stages of a project. You get sad if you don’t receive any comments on a post, or if nobody is engaging the way you’d hope for them to. It’s easy to say that I’ve already learned a bazillion lessons in vulnerability and motivation.

But it’s truly been a great experience so far, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store. I hope you’ll join me again over on my new & improved blog from now on! I have an awesome (and free!) digital workbook available for subscribers to the new website. Head on over! 🙂

So, cheers to new beginnings and opportunities! To celebrate, I’ll be posting over on Gutsy Girl Living for the next five days straight, including a giveaway post starting tomorrow. Now get your butt over there to learn more about my new blog and to win yourself a gift!

Check out my first official post on my new website: Blog Launch – Gutsy Girl Living is Now Here!

Sending you happiness,

xo Caylee